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August 26, 2024
  51·çÁ÷ & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

51·çÁ÷ News

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Following last week's four days of hearings on the House Energy and Commerce Committee's draft cap and trade bill for greenhouse gas emissions, previously scheduled subcommittee consideration of the measure was postponed this week while negotiations continued with Democrats and stakeholders on a… Read More
April 30, 2009
This week Congress held three hearings focusing on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). In particular, the hearings evaluated OSHA's enforcement efforts and the effectiveness of its penalties in deterring violations. The hearings were a chance for the Democrats on the House… Read More
April 30, 2009
This week, Senator Specter grabbed the news headlines when he announced that he would be switching parties to become a Democrat.  Long known as an independent, moderate Republican, Senator Specter made the announcement on Tuesday morning that he now finds his "political philosophy more in line with… Read More
April 30, 2009
51·çÁ÷ of America has developed a new publication to address the new ethics and compliance rules governing Federal contractors, "Federal Government Contractor Ethics & Compliance Programs: Toolkit and Guidance." Under these new rules, Federal contractors face a multifaceted and complex regulatory… Read More
April 30, 2009
This week the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency is expected to issue guidelines to field offices that will instruct agents to step up worksite enforcement with greater focus on the employers who hire illegal immigrants.  Though illegal workers would still be detained, ICE is expected… Read More
April 30, 2009
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently provided guidance to employers in response to questions about the interpretation of the premium assistance subsidy for continuation coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).  This subsidy was established as a part of the… Read More
April 29, 2009
Beginning on Friday, April 3, 2009, employers were required to start using the new I-9 form to verify the employment eligibility of newly hired employees and employees with expiring employment authorizations, according to the Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration… Read More
April 29, 2009
October 28-29, Atlanta, Ga. Planning is underway for two of 51·çÁ÷'s most sought-after annual conferences: the HR Professionals Conference and the Training & Development (T&D) Conference.  For 2009, both conferences will be held concurrently, October 28 - 29, in Atlanta, Georgia, with some… Read More
April 29, 2009
After May 31, the 1997 A-series documents (including the AIA A-201-1997) will no longer be available and users of AIA's contract documents software will not be able to generate licensed final versions of those documents.  When AIA released its 2007 suite of A-series contract documents in November… Read More
April 29, 2009
In response to inquiries we received regarding how to get construction project owners to use ConsensusDOCS standard contract documents, we developed the "Top Ten Reasons Owners Should Use ConsensusDOCS" brochure.  Please feel free to distribute this electronic brochure to all owners with whom you… Read More
April 29, 2009