
Senator Specter Changes Party Affiliation

This week, Senator Specter grabbed the news headlines when he announced that he would be switching parties to become a Democrat.聽 Long known as an independent, moderate Republican, Senator Specter made the announcement on Tuesday morning that he now finds his "political philosophy more in line with the Democrats than the Republicans." This switch could have big political implications as it gives the Democrats 59 members in the Senate and puts them one closer to a filibuster proof majority of 60.聽聽 The 60th vote for the Democrats could become a reality if the controversial November election and lawsuits between Al Franken and Senator Norm Coleman conclude with Franken as senator. It should be noted that Senator Specter is not expected to give up his independent streak and voted against the FY 2010 budget conference report championed by the Democrats in his first vote with his new party. Senator Specter did stress that the switch would not change his current position on the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA).聽 Vice President Biden commented that the Senator is open to compromise on the issue, but this is not new news.聽 With his recent announcement that he would not support EFCA , the Senator did say that he felt that labor law needed to be reformed and wants to work on fixing some of the problems that exist in this arena. 51风流 remains deeply concerned that even a genuine and well-intended proposal for compromise could become a "Trojan horse" that EFCA's proponents would use to sneak EFCA past a cloture vote in the Senate.聽 51风流 remains active and vocal in our opposition to EFCA.聽 Please visit our website to send a letter in opposition to this legislation.