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August 26, 2024
  51·çÁ÷ & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

51·çÁ÷ News

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This week, the "so-called" Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) was introduced in both the House and the Senate. While H.R. 1409 had 223 cosponsors and S. 560 had 40 cosponsors, the total number of cosponsors was less than supporters had hoped, indicating that businesses and other groups in opposition… Read More
March 12, 2009
The U.S. House of Representatives today approved a bill to reauthorize two federal programs that provide financing for wastewater infrastructure upgrades, repair and reconstruction. The vote was 317 to 101 in support of H.R. 1262, the Water Quality Investment Act of 2009. The bill would provide a… Read More
March 12, 2009
President Obama Wednesday quietly signed into law the $410 billion Omnibus Appropriations Act for FY 2009, officially completing work on last year's budget process. The Senate approved the bill late Tuesday, after delaying the vote on final passage for several days due to concerns over whether… Read More
March 12, 2009
What companies are required to offer the COBRA subsidy? COBRA generally applies to plans sponsored by employers with more than 20 employees. Many states have similar requirements for small plans providing benefits through an insurance company. The premium reduction is available for plans covered by… Read More
March 12, 2009
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), generally known as the economic stimulus package, will temporarily require employers to disregard breaks in healthcare coverage lasting more than 63 days when issuing certificates of creditable healthcare coverage.  The act also temporarily… Read More
March 12, 2009
The National Partnership for Highway Quality (NPHQ) program is in its 17th year and continues to be the only national program that unites public transportation agencies and members of the private highway industry in an effort to promote continuous improvement in the quality of delivered highways in… Read More
March 11, 2009
April 6-10 marks the 10th anniversary of National Work Zone Awareness Week.  The national campaign is conducted every year at the start of the construction season to raise public awareness about the dangers to workers and motorists when safe driving practices are not followed in construction work… Read More
March 11, 2009
The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has approved reauthorization legislation for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) extending program funding and taxing authority through September 30, 2012. FAA authorization originally expired on September 30, 2007 but several short term… Read More
March 11, 2009
The Senate has completed action of the fiscal year 2009 omnibus appropriations bill which President Obama is expected to sign before the current continuing resolution expires at Midnight March 11, 2009. The legislation was necessary because the 110th Congress failed to finalize action on most of… Read More
March 11, 2009
View 51·çÁ÷ Chief Economist Ken Simonson's March 9 presentation on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA or the "stimulus legislation") and the outlook for construction activity, materials and labor.
March 10, 2009