
Webinar Series: Climate Change Conscious Markets Trends, Risks, and Strategies for Contractors

Public and private project owners are increasing looking for ways to reduce their climate change impacts. Likewise, communities and property owners want to protect their assets from extreme weather and natural disasters. To meet these owner demands, contractors must consider using new project delivery means and methods that come with new risks stemming from new designers/subcontractors, new construction materials/products, and new equipment. Join us on March 28 and April 4 for a two-part webinar series to look at the climate change impacts on construction trends and strategies for success. Register here!  (51·çÁ÷ Member Price $69 | Non-member Price $119)

Webinar One: Drivers, Risks, & Strategies for Contractors Building for Climate Conscious Markets
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 | 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (ET)

There are a variety of powerful factors driving the rate at which contractors are being called on to build with climate change impacts in mind. These include not only public policy and financial factors, but even talent attraction and retention. Knowing the risks involved in the growing climate change conscious marketplace is crucial to engaging in this work successfully. In this presentation, we will review these risks that include but are not limited to unfamiliar products, methods, designers/subcontractors, financial, legal, regulatory, etc. In addition, significant time will be spent detailing strategies to develop an awareness of steps that can be taken to prepare. This includes information on the necessary knowledge, people, processes, and peers to keep in mind.

Cheri Hanes, AVP, SDI Risk Engineering Leader | Construction Performance Risk, AXA XL

Webinar Two: Climate Risk: Resilience and Construction
Tuesday, April 4, 2023 | 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (ET)

Litigation related to climate change is expected to join the extensive list of construction-related litigation. Construction lawyer, Jessica Mederson, and construction manager, Monika Serrano, set out to write an article on this topic in early 2021. During their research and conversations with experts in the field of law, design and construction, insurance and risk, they learned much. Join us as they share the information they gathered, industry trends, lessons learned and why incorporating resilience in your next project may be your next best strategy to manage your risk, reputation, and bottom line.

Mónika Serrano, Resilience Program Manager, Turner Construction Company
Jessica Mederson, Partner, Stafford Rosenbaum, LLC

Register here!  For more information, contact Melinda Tomaino at