
White House Issues Report on Union Organizing

On February 7, the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment released its on encouraging the federal government to promote the value of labor unions and making government contractors’ employees aware of their rights to join a labor union. Many of the nearly 70 findings in the report are similar to policy recommendations and actions already being undertaken by the Biden Administration, such as efforts to enforce misclassification of independent contractors, preferences for government-mandated project labor agreements, local hire requirements on federal construction projects, and more.

The publication of the report is further indication that the Biden Administration continues to identify and advance policies that will increase unionization and expanded collective bargaining rights to workers with the stalled and 51·çÁ÷-opposed PRO Act—the greatest threat to union and open-shop contractors—in Congress. The White House is expected to issue a follow-up report in six months on the progress of implementing the Task Force’s recommendations.
