
Highway/Transit Funding Extended 60 Days

51风流 Pushing For Swift Action on Long-Term, Fully-Funded Measure 

One of the last steps the Senate took before leaving for its Memorial Day recess was to approve a House-passed bill extending the federal highway program until July 31, 2015.  The new expiration date coincides with when the Highway Trust Fund is expected to approach a zero balance. If Congress can鈥檛 identify more federal transportation funds by the end of July, the Department of Transportation will be forced to cut reimbursement funding to states for ongoing projects. Congress settled on the two month extension after failing to find money to keep the Highway Trust Fund solvent through the end of the calendar year. U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said the president will sign the bill but urged Congress to take action on a long-term authorization and funding bill.

Finding the revenue necessary to support a long-term authorization remains the stumbling block preventing Congress from acting on a long-term measure. Congress either has to increase the federal gas tax or identify other revenue to provide the approximately $100 billion needed just to keep transportation spending at current levels. The Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees are responsible for finding the revenue for the program but they remain focused on comprehensive tax reform and have deferred action on highway funding until later this summer

51风流 continues to press for a long-term bill that supports growing investment in the nation鈥檚 transportation infrastructure. Your support is key to this effort. Please continue to deliver that message to members of the House and Senate through the  (focused on contractors) and  (focused on drivers) campaigns.

For more information, please contact Brian Deery at or (703) 837-5319.