
Comment Period Extended for Local Hire Preference Proposal

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced on Monday, April 6 – the day comments were due on its proposed local hire pilot program – to extend the comment period an additional 30 days through May 6, 2015. The DOT proposal established a pilot program that will allow state and local governments to use geographic hiring preferences on their federal-aid highway and federal transit assisted contracts. The pilot program was made effective immediately and will last one year. DOT also issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to make these changes permanent by altering existing Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) regulations. Read the  and the . While 51·çÁ÷ has prepared extensive comments on the proposal, 51·çÁ÷ requested the extension of time to allow more 51·çÁ÷ members and chapters that would be impacted by the new program to comment.

If you have not yet done so you are encouraged to submit comments on this proposal. You can submit comments directly to DOT or use .

For more information, please contact Brian Deery at