
Hardhats for Highways Launches Ten-Week Grassroots Blitz – Contact Your Members of Congress!

New “e-Hardhat” Letters Available at 

Congress needs to understand the dire need to fix the Highway Trust Fund before the current extension expires.  Hardhats for Highways has developed five letters that we are  one-by-one, every two weeks over the next ten-week period.  

The current short-term funding patch for transportation programs is set to expire May 31 unless Congress works to provide a long-term funding solution and a - please urging them to fix the Highway Trust Fund before it goes broke.

Please take the time (and encourage your employees to do the same) to not only send an email today, but several over the next 10 weeks. Congress needs to hear from you.

For more information, please contact Brynn Huneke at or (703) 837-5376.