
Fox News' Money with Melissa Francis Gets its Gas Tax Scoop Wrong: Museums are Not Eligible for Federal Transportation Funding

Fox Business News’ Money with Melissa Francis erroneously reported that federal gas taxes can be used to finance the construction of museums and other non-transportation projects, officials with 51 noted in a letter sent to the show’s host today.  Association officials added that the error is significant because it incorrectly leaves viewers with the impression that some portion of the federal gas taxes they pay are being wasted on projects that do nothing to improve the safety and reliability of their commutes, when in fact the opposite is true. “We understand that you and some of your Fox Business News colleagues have taken a strong stance in opposition to the many Democrat and Republican officials who have suggested raising the federal gas tax to bring our aging roads and bridges back into a state of good, and safe, repair,” said Brian Turmail, the association’s senior executive director of public affairs.  “Yet as a journalist, you must understand the need to rely on accurate information while reporting and providing on-air commentary.” Read the full release .