
51 Offers New Construction-Focused Anti-Harassment DVD and Webinar

51 is excited to announce the release of a new anti-harassment DVD called Diversity Rules: Harassment Prevention, Sensitivity & Correction Training for Construction Workers and Supervisors (“Diversity Rules”).Diversity Rules is one DVD with two training videos designed to aid construction employers with harassment prevention, sensitivity and correction training.  One video is targeted for an audience of supervisors and the other is targeted for an audience of non-supervisors.

Employment lawyers from the law firm Fisher & Phillips LLP helped create the videos.  They will also lend their expertise in an 51 webinar on November 4 titled Building the Best Harassment Prevention & Training Program for Your Construction Company.  The webinar will cover use of Diversity Rules and other best practices in equal employment practices training.  For more information on the webinar or to register, visit the .

The Diversity Rules videos discuss the laws that protect workers from harassment and discrimination, how harassment and discrimination can affect the workplace, and various ways that harassment and discrimination can occur, including references to social media and texting.  The videos replace 51’s top-selling DVDs Crossing the Line and Drawing the Line.

At just under 19 minutes, the video for non-supervisors is short enough to be presented during an on-the-job toolbox session.  Vignettes cover topics such as sexual harassment (including sexual orientation and transgender status), age harassment, gender harassment (including family responsibilities), racial harassment and religious harassment. The video for supervisors includes all of the scenarios in the non-supervisor video, plus three additional scenarios that show supervisors how to handle tough conversations with workers about harassment and how to avoid inadvertently discriminating against workers.  Its duration is 33 minutes, 14 seconds.  The videos were filmed on a construction jobsite and are equipped with Spanish-language closed-captioning that the trainer can turn on or off.

During the webinar, attorneys Bert Brannen and Celia Joseph will use various scenarios from the video to guide attendees through the process of training non-supervisors on harassment prevention and sensitivity on the jobsite. Techniques for supervisory training will also be shared, as supervisors are often the trusted confidant of workers and the first line of defense for construction employers.

Click to register for the webinar and obtain a copy of the DVD.