
T&I Committee Focuses on Reauthorization - Creates P3 Panel

The House Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Committee held its first hearing on surface transportation reauthorization and announced the creation of a special panel on public-private partnerships (P3s). The hearing titled, “Building the Foundation for Surface Transportation Reauthorization” marked the formal kickoff of the committee’s reauthorization process. With MAP-21 expiring on Sept. 30, 2014, Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) said he hopes to get the reauthorization done on time and plans to spend the coming months holding more hearings and roundtable discussions to give stakeholders an opportunity to share their policy priorities and concerns.  He went on to say the Committee hope to take action on the reauthorization in the late spring or early summer with the goal to be on the House floor before the August recess.  In terms of what the next bill may focus on, Chairman Shuster highlighted a few key principles – the bill needs to be fiscally responsible, build on the reform in MAP-21, continue to reduce regulatory burdens and provide more flexibility to states and localities. 51 is working with the House and Senate to ensure that the reauthorization of MAP-21 includes policies supported by 51 and our members. Also this week, the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee announced the establishment of a special panel focusing on the use of and opportunities for public-private partnerships (P3s) across all modes of transportation, economic development, public buildings, water, and maritime infrastructure and equipment. The bipartisan panel, to be known as the “Panel on Public-Private Partnerships” will be chaired by Representative Jimmy Duncan (R-Tenn.) with Michael Capuano (D-Mass.) as the ranking member.   The panel will seek to identify: the role P3s play in development and delivery of transportation and infrastructure projects; if/how P3s enhance delivery and management of transportation and infrastructure projects beyond the capabilities of government agencies or private sector acting independently; and how to balance the needs of the public and private sectors when considering, developing and implementing P3 projects. 51 looks forward to working with the committee as they continue to develop legislative proposals that will encourage the use of private investment across all modes of transportation.