
House T&I Committee Holds Hearing on the Federal Government’s Role in Infrastructure

Today, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure held its first hearing of the 113th Congress focusing on the importance of infrastructure to the U.S. economy and examining the role played by the Federal Government in ensuring safe, efficient, and reliable infrastructure. Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) highlighted how the quality of the nation’s infrastructure affects the lives of Americans in many ways on a daily basis, and how the Federal role in ensuring a strong transportation network is firmly rooted in the first days of the nation.  The hearing highlighted the federal role in all modes of infrastructure, but with a more specific focus on finding the revenue necessary for paying for the next surface transportation reauthorization. All three hearing witnesses - Former Governor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell; President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Tom Donahue; and Terry O'Sullivan General President of the Laborers Union – expressed their support for a strong federal role in our nation's infrastructure and urged the committee to move the legislation that addresses our country's infrastructure needs. With many new members of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, 51·çÁ÷ is in the process of meeting with those members and educating them on the need to pass legislation authorizing the Water Resources Development Act, state revolving funds for safe and clean drinking water, and finding the funding source necessary to reauthorize MAP-21. For more information, please contact Sean O’Neill at (202) 547-8892 orÌý