
Transportation is Job #1 Campaign

With only 80 days remaining until the expiration of the latest highway and transit authorization extension, 51·çÁ÷ is kicking-off a comprehensive grassroots and communications campaign asking Congress to take action on a reauthorization bill before March 31, 2012. The campaign, called , will continue to build momentum for passage of a reauthorization bill.Ìý The time to engage your member of Congress is now.Ìý Both the House and Senate are in positions to move their respective bills but they need to be encouraged to ACT NOW. The Senate Environment and Public Works and Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees have passed their portions of the Senate reauthorization bill, while the Banking and Finance Committees have yet to take action.Ìý Senate Majority Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has indicated that passing a reauthorization bill will be a top priority for the Senate when they return from their winter break.Ìý The same can be said in the House where Speaker John Boehner, has pledged to take action the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, a bill that will link transportation authorization with expanded energy production.Ìý The Speaker’s commitment coupled with a positive status update provided to 51·çÁ÷ Highway Chapters this week by House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee staff are encouraging signs that a bill could be voted on in the House of Representatives prior to March 31, 2012. 51·çÁ÷ and our members have worked hard to get the reauthorization bill to this point and we need one final push to ensure members of Congress hear from their constituents of the need to Make Transportation JOB #1 and pass a highway and transit reauthorization bill.Ìý Over the next several weeks 51·çÁ÷ Chapters, members and business colleagues will be asked to:
  1. Send letters to your Representatives and Senators;
  2. Sign a petition expressing your support for passing a highway and transit bill;
  3. Use a complete grassroots toolkit – available on the – with sample letters to the editor and guidance about arranging effective meetings with your Representatives and Senators.
The Make Transportation JOB #1 campaign will officially kick-off next week.Ìý But don’t wait until then to take action.Ìý You can sign the petition, send letters to your legislators and find additional resources at .Ìý   In addition to the 51·çÁ÷ effort, our transportation stakeholder coalition, Americans for Transportation Mobility (ATM) is also engaged in the Make Transportation JOB #1 campaign.Ìý ATM is circulating a to leaders of the House of Representatives and the Senate asking for quick action in moving a transportation reauthorization bill.Ìý 51·çÁ÷ encourages our chapters and members to sign on this letter. Getting a highway and transit authorization bill passed in Congress and signed into law prior to March 31, 2012 will not be an easy task.Ìý  It is vital that 51·çÁ÷ members engage business associates (suppliers, subcontractors, insurance, bonding, financial services, etc.), labor organizations and other non-construction businesses in this effort.Ìý We need a true team effort to get this done. Passing a bipartisan infrastructure bill in Congress is not unheard of.Ìý Congressman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.)  about the recent passage of the Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job Creation Act of 2011 as an example of how Congress can pass job creation legislation amid gridlock and partisan rancor. For more information, please contact Sean O’Neill at (202) 547-8892 or; or Brian Deery at (703) 837-5319 orÌý