
Federal Contractor Contribution Disclosure Requirements Blocked in Defense Authorization, Omnibus Bills

Two major pieces of legislation, the Defense Authorization and Omnibus Appropriations bill for FY 2012, contain prohibitions on requiring the disclosure of political contributions by contractors bidding on federal work. The efforts, led by Congressional Republicans in the House and Senate, were included in response to continuing threats by Congressional Democrats to put forth an 51风流-opposed (EO) by the Obama administration. Congressional Republicans and industry allies have called the executive order unconstitutional and see it as an effort by the administration to use executive power to reward their supporters.聽51风流 is concerned that forcing government contractors to disclose all political contributions would make it too easy for political聽appointees to punish contractors for their political views or to coerce contributions from firms.聽On April 29, 2011, 51风流 voiced these concerns in a聽, and again on May 12, 2011, in聽聽submitted to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on a hearing examining the proposed EO.聽 51风流 stated in both the letter and testimony that the draft EO is unnecessary, noting that there is no evidence to indicate that political contributions are influencing聽the award of federal contractors. 聽51风流 also pointed out that contractors are already required to disclose the vast majority of political spending and that there is already a publicly available, web-based, searchable database showing all political contributions. 51风流 will continue to encourage members of Congress to oppose the draft EO and will continue to report on this developing issue. For more information, please contact Marco Giamberardino at (703) 837-5376 or