
House Committee Considers "Civilian BRAC" Legislation

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee met today to consider H.R. 1734, the “Civilian Property Realignment Act.” The bill, sponsored by House Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Denham (R-Calif.), would employ a Defense Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)-like process for civilian properties, reduce the federal footprint and save taxpayers billions of dollars. 51 has been working with committee staff to better understand the impact of this legislation and how the construction industry can play a large part in ensuring the success of this effort. Simply put, this legislation would employ the use of a civilian BRAC-like process to address federal real property management issues. The main focus of this legislation and a similar proposal by the Obama administration is to examine the possible liquidation of as many as 14,000 “excess” buildings and 55,000 “underutilized” buildings in the federal real estate portfolio.  Rep. Denham’s legislation would establish a framework through which an independent commission would review federal properties and make recommendations for consolidations, co-locations, redevelopment, selling or other actions to minimize costs and produce savings to the government. 51 has been working with committee leaders and administration officials on this proposal and will continue to advocate for a smart and manageable federal building portfolio with facilities that are modernized and updated to meet federal employee needs. For more information, please contact Marco Giamberardino at (703) 837-5325 or