
Proposed New Legislation to Fund Cleaner Diesel for Federally-Funded Highway Projects in Most Impacted Areas Will Significantly Reduce Construction Emissions

Emissions from diesel construction equipment will be significantly reduced at major highway projects in the most polluted areas, thanks to the Clean Construction Act of 2011 introduced today by Rep. Richard Hanna (R-N.Y.) and Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.). 51风流 and the non-profit Clean Air Task Force (CATF) signaled their strong support for the bipartisan legislation that would provide state transportation officials the authority and funding to incorporate the use of clean construction equipment on federally-funded transportation projects in PM2.5 Nonattainment and Maintenance areas.
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Diesel engines are the workhorse of our economy; diesel powers nearly all of the heavy-duty vehicles and equipment that are required to build and repair our roads, bridges, hospitals and schools.

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