
TCC Fly-In: Your Elected Officials Need to Hear from You

Join your industry allies in Washington, D.C. on May 24-25, 2011for the Transportation Construction Coalition’s 2011 Legislative Fly-in as we make the case that “Transportation Moves the Economy.” Your Congressional delegation needs to hear from you about the importance of transportation infrastructure investment to the nation’s economy – creating jobs while building the future. Federal transportation programs face challenges like never before. SAFETEA-LU expired on September 30, 2009 and funding for the highway and transit programs have been continued through a series of short term extensions. Highway Trust Fund revenue is insufficient to support current funding levels. A multitude of new Representatives and Senators are unfamiliar with how these programs operate and the benefits they bring not only to their states or districts but to the national economy. Congress needs to understand that reduced Federal investment undermines state and local transportation programs and hurts the construction industry: contractors, material suppliers, designers, equipment manufacturers and labor. The Fly-In schedule is as follows: Tuesday May 24, 2011 11 am-1:30 am - 51·çÁ÷ Issues Briefing Lunch 2 pm- 4:30 pm - Legislative Briefing 6 pm - Capitol Hill Reception Wednesday May 25, 2011 7 am-7:45 am - Continental Breakfast 8 am – 5 pm - Congressional Visits To register for the Fly-In and for hotel information please For more information, contact Brian Deery at (703) 837-5319 or