
Respond to Veterans Affairs Survey on Project Labor Agreements by June 4

The Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM) is conducting a series of surveys regarding the use of project labor agreement (PLAs) on various projects.聽 CFM is asking contractors to respond to the questionnaire for certain projects in , and , by June 4.聽 51风流 encourages interested contractors to complete the survey and provide CFM with a clear idea of the impact that a government-mandated PLA would have on the construction of federal projects. The survey, which is included with individual job solicitations. asks the following questions: 1. Is your company familiar with Project Labor Agreement (PLA) used on construction projects? Yes/No Comments 2. Would your company likely submit a proposal for the VA construction solicitation that requires the use of a PLA? Yes/No Comments: 3. If VA requires a PLA, would your proposed construction cost likely to increase? Yes/No Comments 4. Does the VA requirement to use of a PLA on a construction project restrict competition? Yes/No Comments 5. Do you expect subcontractor resistance should VA requires the use of a PLA on this construction solicitation? Yes/No Comments 6. Do you have additional comments regarding the use of a PLA for this project? For talking points on PLAs, .聽 For information on the final rule implementing President Obama's executive order on PLAs, including a link to 51风流's comments, . For more information, please contact Marco Giamberardino at (703) 837-5325 or