
Water Infrastructure Funding and "Jobs Bill" Update

JOBS BILL The 51风流 co-chaired WIN Coalition has been steadfastly working with Senate leaders to ensure that a significant water infrastructure funding component be included in any infrastructure proposals to be considered in the U.S. Senate.聽 WIN has been involved in ongoing discussions on Capitol Hill focusing on additional measures to create jobs through infrastructure investment and has been spearheading these efforts in Washington, DC. Subsequent to ongoing WIN efforts, Senators Benjamin Cardin (D-MD), Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Water & Wildlife Subcommittee, and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) have circulated a "Dear Colleague" letter which has been signed by 30 Senators calling for $3 billion for the EPA Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) and $3 billion for the Safe Drinking Water SRF.聽 51风流 and the WIN Coalition are aggressively supporting this $6 billion investment and will continue advocating for a substantial water infrastructure component in any legislation aimed at job creation. In November 2009, 51风流 of America compiled an initial survey of States that identified over $50 billion in approved projects on state's intended use plans in an effort to inform Congress about the significant needs that currently exist. These figures have helped to justify the push for increased investment in water infrastructure and were provided to key Senate offices and Committees.聽 Subsequently, a survey was conducted by the Environmental Council of States (ECOS), in association with the Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities (CIFA) and the Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators (ASWIPCA) which indicated that in 33 聽states alone there are currently needs approaching $56 billion which will not receive funding from FY10 appropriations or the Recovery Act. The WIN Coalition has been conducting outreach in the Senate to convey our support for investing these substantial needs and the potential employment, public health and environmental benefits. Click to view the "Dear Colleague" promoting water infrastructure. Click to view the latest letter from the WIN Coalition to the Senate. Click to view the ECOS survey of projects. EPA BUDGET On February 1, 2010 the Obama Administration unveiled its FY 2011 Budget. 聽As promised in the President's State of the Union Address, many programs experienced significant cuts and the EPA State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) programs were not immune.聽 Compared to the FY10 proposed level of $3.9 billion the FY 2011 budget recommends $3.3 billion; $2 billion for the Clean Water SRF and $1.3 billion for the Drinking Water SRF. While this funding level is disappointing, these amounts are still significantly higher than the FY 2009 enacted budget for both programs which totaled $1.5 billion. To view a condensed memo on EPA funding . These cuts underscore the need for reauthorization of the SRF program at higher levels and new financing approaches such as establishment of a water infrastructure trust fund. 51风流 will feature additional information on the FY 2011 budget in this week's SRF REAUTHORIZATION 51风流 and WIN continue to push for the reauthorization of the SRF Program with substantial annual funding increases.聽 S.1005 authorizes $39.191 billion for EPA water infrastructure programs over the next five years and represents a significant increase for EPA federal assistance programs including $20 billion for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program and $14.7 billion for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program. SRF Reauthorization has stalled in the Senate and 51风流 would like to encourage members to continue generating letters indicating their support of reauthorization by utilizing the or by visiting to contact Senators.
SRF 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total
Clean Water $3.2b $3.2b $3.6b $4b $6b $20b
Drinking Water $1.5b $2b $2b $3.2b $6b $14.7b
WATER TRUST FUND Establishment of a dedicated trust fund for water infrastructure continues to be a top priority for 51风流 and the WIN Coalition.聽 In the last quarter of 2009 the WIN Coalition coordinated and participated in over 100 meetings with members of the U.S. House of Representative in order to garner additional co-sponsors for HR 3202 the Water Protection and Reinvestment Act, and raise awareness about the benefits of the establishment of a dedicated revenue source for water infrastructure.聽 To date there are 28 co-sponsors and WIN is making and aggressive push to shore up additional support for HR 3202. 51风流 members can help in this effort by utilizing the or by visiting to contact Representatives. PRIVATE ACTIVITY BONDS HR 537, the Sustainable Water Infrastructure Investment Act of 2009 would increase the amount of private capital available to State and local governments.聽聽 51风流 and other key allies have been working to increase support for this legislation which currently has 35 co-sponsors. Based on the water industry estimates,聽 at least $2 billion worth of private water investment slated for through Private Activirty Bonds or PAB's in 2010. If the PAB cap were lifted, estimates show that volume could increase to $5 billion annually as the market matures.聽 51风流 members can help in this effort by utilizing the or by visiting to contact Representatives. A broad industry coalition, of which 51风流 is a member, supporting the private activity bond cap removal has indicated its support for private activity bonds as a method of financing water and wastewater infrastructure. In a to Senator Durbin (D-IL), the Senate Majority Whip, this coalition urged support for HR 537 and asked for its inclusion in any Jobs package the democratic leadership puts together. 聽 For additional information please contact Perry L. Fowler at