
EPA Recovery Act SRF Funding Update

With the February 17, 2010 deadline looming for states to "use or lose" Recovery Act dollars, State SRF Authorities are working diligently to get EPA SRF stimulus funds under contract.聽 On December 24, 2009 the EPA issued a memorandum to Regional Water Management Directors detailing criteria under which EPA would de-obligate Recovery Act funds and how funds would be reallocated to states that have successfully managed to execute contracts under the February 17 statutory deadline. In order to qualify for "re-allocated" funds States must submit required information to the EPA with the guarantee that these dollars will be under contract by June 17, 2010. According to a representative from the Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities (CIFA), a national organization representing SRF Authorities, most states are expected to meet the February deadline. Reports published by the U.S. EPA indicate that as of January 28, 2010 EPA assistance agreements have been executed for approximately 94.3% of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Recovery Act Dollars totaling $3.591 billion and 聽93.2% of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) totaling $1.678 billion. Click for the EPA memorandum on reallocation of Recovery Act funds Click for DWSRF progress by State and EPA Region Click for CWSRF progress by State and EPA Region For additional information please contact Perry L. Fowler at