
"Phone-In" Planned to Get Attention of Congress on Transportation Reauthorization

In our ongoing effort to keep the pressure on Congress to enact a six year transportation reauthorization bill with significantly increased funding levels, the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) has scheduled December 10, 2009 as "Phone-In to Congress" Day. While Congress is embroiled in other high profile issues Senators and Representatives must be reminded about the need to address the expired highway and transit program authorization. In our visits on Capitol Hill Senators and Representatives report they are not hearing from people at home. They need to hear from you. TCC would like to bombard Congressional offices with calls from constituents. To do this the following toll free number has been set up to allow you to call directly to the offices of your Senators and Representative: 1-888-448-2782. While email and letters are helpful, phone calls require an individual to answer and to make note of why you are calling. Please plan to call on December 10 and ask your employees to call as well and make the following points:
  • 聽(Our state) has huge transportation needs that are not being met including deficient bridges, deteriorating pavements, congested roads and safety hazards.
  • In addition, the construction industry has an unemployment rate of over 18 percent.
  • Without the certainty of a long term authorization bill, with increased funding levels, construction companies and material suppliers in our state will be forced to lay off additional workers.
  • Businesses will not invest in new equipment when there is so much uncertainty about the on- going and future construction market.
  • Congress must do its job and delay no longer. Pass a six year transportation authorization bill now and provide the revenue necessary to increase funding to address (our state's) short term need for jobs and long term economic growth.