
Congress Extends FAA Authorization for Three Months

On October 1, the president signed聽legislation for a three-month extension to authorize聽programs of the Federal Aviation Administration, which was scheduled to expire September 30. H.R. 3607 continues federal aviation programs through December 31, providing $1 billion in funding for the Airport Improvement Program.聽 This action was necessary because Congress has been unable to come to an agreement on a long-term reauthorization. FAA's authorizing legislation expired in 2007 and has been extended six times since then. The House passed its four-year authorization measure May 21 (H.R. 915). In the Senate, the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee has reported a two-year bill (S. 1451), but the Finance Committee, which must act on the revenue title, has not taken action. For more information, contact Brian Deery at