
House Passes EPA Appropriations Bill, Significant Water Funding Increase

Today the House of Representatives approved the conference report providing appropriations for the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of the Interior and other agencies. The Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 passed on a party line vote (247-178) and included significant increases for EPA programs, including a $2 billion increase over FY09 SRF programs. 聽 The bill provides $3.6 billion federal assistance for communities' water infrastructure programs including $1.38 billion for the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund and $2.1 billion for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, which will be allocated to states under existing distribution formulas. In addition, $157 million was earmarked for specific municipal projects. Similar to the Recovery Act, this bill requires that 30 percent of funds be distributed in the forms of grants, loan principal forgiveness or negative interest loans for communities with the greatest needs. Additionally, 20 percent of the funds must be used by the states for projects to address green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency improvements, or other environmentally innovative activities. The bill also includes Davis-Bacon prevailing wages under a compromise agreement that will apply these wages for a period of one year. The bill does not include Recovery Act "Buy American" requirements. 51风流 has long advocated for increased appropriations and authorization levels to meet the nation's unmet needs for water infrastructure. The Senate is expected to vote on and pass the conference report in the near term. To view a complete copy of the conference report .