
Registration Goes Live for Recovery Act Reporting Website

The first reporting deadline for the Recovery Act is October 10, 2009 and covers all contracts and funds from February 14 to October 1, 2009. Section 1512 of the Recovery Act requires information about the project and the jobs it creates, plus salary disclosure for certain federal contractors, to be reported to the central federal Web site, . At 12:01 A.M. on August 17, 2009, that Web site went live. Recipients of Recovery funds are now able to register as the first step in the reporting process mandated by the Recovery Act. To register, recipients must already have a聽听补苍诲听. Registration will continue through September 30, 2009, with reporting officially beginning on October 1, 2009 through October 10, 2009. For more information on the reporting requirements contained in the Recovery Act, click聽聽(for federal contractors),聽聽(for federally-assisted work) and聽聽(for more information about the reporting process). For OMB's guidance and forms associated with reporting, see OMB's聽.