
President Reaffirms Desire to Pass Health Care Reform

Last night the president laid out his priorities for health care reform, many of which are in line with a compromise version being crafted in the Senate Finance Committee.聽 The speech comes on the heels of the Committee releasing a draft of a framework for legislation - short of actual legislation. The Committee's legislation is expected to be released next week. The Finance Committee draft framework does not mandate that employers provide insurance; replaces a public option with CO-Ops, contains an individual mandate beginning in 2013; includes small business tax credits; and would create state-based health insurance exchanges. Specifically, the draft framework covers:聽
  • Employer Responsibility - Employers would not be required to offer health insurance coverage.聽 However, employers with more than 50 full-time employees (30 hours and above) that do not offer health coverage must pay a fee for each employee who receives the tax credit for health insurance through an exchange. The assessment is based on the amount of the tax credit received by the employee(s), but would be capped at an amount equal to $400 multiplied by the total number of employees at the firm (regardless of how many receive a credit in the exchange).
  • Small Business Tax Credits - Similar to the House bill, credits are limited to firms with fewer than 25 employees and average wages below $40,000, and the maximum credit available would be 50%.
  • Individual Responsibility - Beginning in 2013 all citizens would be required to purchase health insurance or receive coverage from an employer with the penalty for failing to obtain coverage being as high as $950 for individuals and a maximum penalty per family of $3,800.
  • Revenue Provisions - Tax high cost plans with a 35% excise tax for plans above $8,000 per individual, $21,000 for family. Additional revenue provisions include taxes on the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and health insurance industry.
Democratic leaders have made September 15 a deadline for the bipartisan group of six senators crafting the Finance Committee plan to reach a consensus, followed by consideration in committee and a vote in the Senate in early October. President Obama hopes to have both the House and Senate pass bills and conference them so that he can sign a bill by Thanksgiving.