
New Chairman Takes Helm at Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee

Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) has taken the chairmanship of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension (HELP) Committee.聽 Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) had been standing in prior to former HELP Chairman Senator Ted Kennedy's (D-Mass.) death to help marshal health care reform through the Senate.聽聽 In an agreement made with democratic leaders in the Senate, Sen. Dodd will continue his role as the point person in the health care debate for the HELP Committee and remain chairman of the Banking Committee.聽聽 Sen. Harkin is the top supporter of the "so-called" Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) in the Senate and is pushing for a vote on the bill.聽 Currently, there are enough votes to move EFCA in the committee and the sticking point remains the ability to garner 60 votes for cloture to end debate on the Senate floor.聽 Sen. Harkin is trying to work with other EFCA supporters to find some sort of compromise, but announced at a pro-EFCA rally today that he does not think a bill will pass this year.聽 51风流 strongly opposes EFCA and sees any compromise as a Trojan Horse to push through the legislation as it currently exists.聽 Please continue to send letters to your Members of Congress opposing EFCA through .