
EPA Continues to Issue Buy America Waivers

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) provides significant funding for states to finance high priority infrastructure projects needed to ensure clean water and safe drinking water. The Act also includes "Buy American" provisions that require Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) projects to use domestic iron, steel and manufactured goods.聽 According to EPA officials, 10 individual project-specific Buy American Waivers have been granted for water infrastructure projects using Recovery Act Funds. The following list contains Buy America Waiver notices published in the Federal Register to date. Project/Regional Waivers 7/28/2009 - Sharon Elementary School Water System, Sharon, VT 7/28/2009 - Lewiston, ME Department of Public Services 7/9/2009 - Claywood Park Public Service District, West Virginia 6/29/2009 - State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services' Winnipesaukee River Basin Bureau 6/22/2009 - Auburn, ME Sewerage District Nationwide Waivers 6/2/2009 - de minimis Incidental Components of Projects Financed Through the Clean or Drinking Water State Revolving Funds Using Assistance Provided Under ARRA 6/2/2009 - Projects that Solicited Bids on or after October 1, 2008 and prior to February 17, 2009 that are Financed through the Clean or Drinking Water State Revolving Funds using Assistance Provided under ARRA 4/7/2009 - Projects With Debt Incurred on or After October 1, 2008 and Before February 17, 2009 That Are Refinanced Through the Clean or Drinking Water State Revolving Funds Using Assistance Provided Under ARRA For more information, contact Perry Fowler at (703) 837-5321 or