
Oppose the "So-Called" Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)

On March 10, the "so-called" Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) was introduced in both the House and the Senate.听 EFCA would take away a worker's right to a federally supervised private ballot election when deciding whether or not to select union representation.听 51风流 supports the status quo, which allows both card-check recognition and secret-ballot elections to establish union representation and remains the most fair and reliable way to determine the desire of employees to be represented by a union.听 Take action!听 Click to contact your Representative and Senators regarding this important issue! EFCA imposes unrealistically short deadlines for labor-management negotiations over a first contract before mandating third-party interference.听 It allows a third party to dictate wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment.听 For more about EFCA, visit 51风流's .