
Congress Turns Attention to FY 2009 Omnibus and FY 2010 Budget

Having wrapped up work on the economic recovery package, House and Senate Appropriations Committees will return from the President's Day recess to complete work on the fiscal year 2009 appropriations process and prepare for the arrival of the President's FY 2010 budget. Because Congress failed to enact all but three (Defense, Homeland Security and Military Construction) of its annual appropriations bills, the majority of federal programs are operating under a Continuing Resolution through March 6. Congress is expected to pass an Omnibus appropriations bill that would consolidate the nine remaining annual spending measures to fund the government through the remainder of the fiscal year without much controversy. The Obama Administration's spending priorities are likely to be included in the upcoming FY2010 budget request to Congress, which is expected to be released in full in April. The Administration is expected to release a blueprint of the budget next week, which will preview the Administration's fiscal agenda for the next four years. The annual Congressional appropriations process provides, on average, about $100-110 billion for federal construction spending accounts. Congress is expected to use this year's appropriations process to conduct hearings on the efficiency and effectiveness of stimulus funding and to determine where additional spending may be directed to continue recovery efforts. This process will allow 51风流 an opportunity to highlight the job creation and quality of life improvements that we expect from the stimulus funding.