
E-Verify Mandate for Federal Contractors Delayed Again

The federal government has agreed to further delay implementation of a rule requiring federal contractors and subcontractors to use the Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to verify employment eligibility until May 21. An official announcement is expected to be published in the on January 30.The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Council issued the final rule on November 14, 2008, requiring contracting officers to mandate contractor use of E-Verify in solicitations issued and contracts awarded after January 15, 2009. In response to a legal challenge to the rule, the government agreed two weeks ago to suspend the rule until February 20. Yesterday, the government agreed to delay implementation until May 21. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit requested the extension after President Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel issued a memorandum directing federal agencies to consider extending by 60 days the effective dates of all regulations already issued but not yet in effect, in order to allow the new Administration a chance to review any "questions of law and policy raised." Click for a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) for Federal Contractors & E-Verify. Visit the 51风流for critical components of the final rule.