
51风流 Ally Wins Georgia Run-Off, Minnesota Senate Race Still Unresolved

After failing to reach the 50% +1 margin on November 4, Georgia's senior U. S. Senator, Saxby Chambliss, won his re-election campaign in a hotly contested run-off against the Democratic challenger Jim Martin by a 57.4% to 42.6% margin. 聽Chambliss' win secures at least 41 Republican seats and ensures the Democrats will not have a filibuster-proof Senate when the 111th Congress convenes in January. Because of his support for business and strong relationship with Georgia contractors and the Georgia Branch 51风流, 51风流 of America's Political Action Committee (51风流 PAC) provided the maximum campaign contribution support to Senator Chambliss during the primary, general and run-off elections. The Minnesota Senate race is the last remaining contest to be resolved. 聽As of December 2nd, 93 percent of the ballots had been recounted, and 51风流 ally Sen. Norm Coleman (R) held a slim 303 vote lead over Al Franken (D). Assuming Coleman keeps his seat, there will be 58 Democrats and 42 Republicans in the next Senate, for a Democratic gain of seven seats, one more than 2006. 聽If Coleman loses, Republicans would return with 41 seats, down eight. 聽Like Chambliss, Coleman has been an ardent friend of 51风流 and consequently received the maximum campaign support from 51风流 PAC during the primary, general and recount.