
Liquid Assets Debuts Across the Country

51风流 supports increased investment in our infrastructure and believes that Americans deserve to know the dire state of our neglected and aging water infrastructure systems. That is why 51风流 contributed $100,000 to PSU Public Broadcasting for the production of Liquid Assets: The Story of Our Water Infrastructure. Sponsors of Liquid Assets and industry leaders gathered at a screening at Washington, D.C.鈥瞫 Newseum on September 9. The documentary is a tool for educating the American public about how our water infrastructure operates. Liquid Assets focuses on how our water and wastewater infrastructure provide a critical public health function and is essential for economic development and growth, and highlights the current status of our national water infrastructure and the tremendous challenges to maintain and modernize these systems to maintain our quality of life. Some estimates suggest that modernizing and replacing aging water infrastructure will be the single largest public works endeavor in our nation鈥瞫 history. Liquid Assets began broadcasting on October 1. Check for an air date near you. For more information, please contact Perry L. Fowler at (703) 837-5321 or