WebEd: Assessing your Company's Prefab Readiness - The Secret to Successful Implementation of Prefabrication

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Prefabrication is a journey for many organizations that may lead to mixed results. Why are some organizations successful at implementing and even optimizing prefabrication and modular while others are not? In fact, many who are unsuccessful do not recognize internal corporate constraints that do not  allow for widespread adoption in the industry.

Amy Marks, CEO of XSite Modular, the world's leading prefabrication consulting firm, talks frankly about what types of organizations may be positioned to lead the way for this technology and process improvements. 

Join us for today's webinar, as Amy reviews a five-point prefab readiness assessment to help you understand some of the corporate roadblocks and discuss some of the enablers to success including:

1) Culture
2) Strategy
3) Experience and Institutionalized Knowledge
4) Embedded Process
5) Training and Tools


Amy Marks
XSite Modular 

Amy Marks is the CEO of XSite Modular. XSite's prefabrication consulting division is focused on enabling and optimizing the use of prefabrication in large, complex, technology-embedded buildings. XSite has some of the largest global companies as their clients working on projects including high-rise, hi-tech industrial, healthcare, hospitality, semi-conductor and mission critical. XSite Modular is also the leading design-build firm of critical infrastructure buildings (CIB) in the the subsea and data center edge space.

Amy and her team have worked on six of the seven continents, and with some of the largest companies on the planet to implement prefabrication. She is an industry thought leader and social media influencer on the topic of prefabrication and corporate prefab readiness. A highly sought-after keynote speaker for international conferences on construction and innovation, she is content curator and chairs 4-5 International Conferences on prefabrication every year. At conferences, her workshops sell out with waiting lists, and her corporate training programs are in high demand around the world. She is an Alumna of the prestigious Harvard Business School and a graduate of the University of Florida.

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